Please note, resources are not a replacement for therapy with a trained mental health clinician

  • Managing Anxiety

    Anxiety can strike at any time. This short strategy can help you manage and can be done anywhere at any time. You can download the PDF to use when needed

  • Relaxation Technique

    When you are stressed or overwhelmed, your brain can take you into fight or flight mode which can make it difficult to think clearly. Relaxation techniques, such as “box breathing” can help reduce stress and return you to a state of calm. Download this PDF for instructions on box breathing you can use when needed

  • About EMDR

    EMDR is one of the therapeutic interventions we use to help you process memories which you may be getting stuck in, which in turn may be making things difficult for you now. The downloadable factsheet will give some information about what it is and how it helps and you can ask more questions about it when you see your therapist